I've seen some decent movies in my time; Romancing the Stone, Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Forest Gump, al directed by Robert Zemechis. They were fun and entertaining, featuring great performances and fun premises. I was pretty sure that Zemeckis was a good director.
He's not. Or he's been replaced by a Bay clone. Either way, we're screwed.
Beowulf is bad. And when I say bad I don't mean like a Martin Lawerence movie... I mean like a scifi channel movie of the week. It manages to fail on ever level. Story? It's a loose adaptation that misses all of the themes from the original: kinship, good warrior vs. good king, the heroic code. Instead there's a cookie-cutter anti hero. Acting? The voice acting is stale and unrelatable, and somehow they managed to animate bad performances. Naked Jolie? Go rent Gia. Or Original Sin. Or Foxfire. Or Cyborg 2. Or Hackers. Here:
I just saved you at least $10.
I'm giving it a generous 1.5/10