Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Actually, her doctor had no idea what was going on. She went to several specialists, including a seizure clinic at a major research hospital, in order to figure out what was causing this problem. She was diagnosed with epilepsy in her temporal lobe and put on seizure medication, but it did not clear up the problem. Finally, my father made the connection while watching a Lipitor commercial.
As for the homeopathy/herbal thing--a lot of homeopathic remedies are herbal remedies. Some are mineral-based. I'm not saying I use homeopathic remedies to treat bodily humors or some such ridiculous notion (which would be true homeopathy), rather I am using homeopathic medicines that are largely herbal and typically have been empirically shown to have some kind of benefit, such as the arnica gel.
There are plenty of quacky ideas out there on the homeopathic side of things, including the entire basis of homeopathy--treating bodily humors. However, the remedies themselves should not be dismissed out of hand simply for being homeopathic; rather, they should be taken on a case-by-case basis by the user. Because of the power of the placebo effect, the consumer should have the right to decide what works for them when it comes to homeopathy.
I should note that most of the homeopathic remedies I buy are produced by Boiron USA and Nelsons. Both companies have excellent safety records in regards to their product. So even if they are just sugar pills--they are safe. They are not fly-by-night herbal diet supplement manufacturers. Nelsons has been around since 1860, and Boiron has been around since 1932.
Actually they should be 100% safe, they are not herbal either. Herbal medicine IS real, its affects are debatable but herbs are SOMETHING.
Herbals problem is the lack of regulation allows snake oil to be sold as 'herbal', but there is nothing wrong or unscientific about herbal remedies, they are as old as mankind and formed the basis for pharmacology.
Homeopathy's problem is that its 100% pure snake oil in any form, for any condition, at any time.
This is the kind of thing that tempts me to figure out how much it would cost to package and make placebos and market them as homeopathic medicine. Overhead has got to be next to nil after initial investment.