I used to collect rocks. Just small stones that I could put in my pocket. If I went somewhere with my family on vacation, was at a birthday party at the beach, visited a lighthouse, hunting, anything that I felt like I wanted to remember. I would look for a cool looking stone. Quartz were often a choice because of how the broken ones might glitter. I kept them in a quart jar that I glued a piece of rubber to the bottom of so it wouldn't slide. I could tell you where I got each one and what I did then. Unfortunately a roommate at college accidentally dumped the jar off my bookshelf and broke it. They didn't tell me until after they'd put it all in the garbage. They really didn't know it was anything more than a bookend I guess.
Only thing I collect now is Indian pottery. I have some from several different tribes. Alpaca, navaho, and one other tribe I can't remember at the moment.
Mostly what I end up saving now are school papers and art projects that my daughter has made. I have one small (TINY) pottery bowl that she made in Art class in Kindergarten and I use it for putting earrings or a ring that I take off by my recliner.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.