Originally Posted by asaris
I think the problem is not 'picking and choosing', where that picking and choosing is a matter of principled interpretation. Very few Christians shun pork, and most don't require women to have long hair. But they don't simply say "Well, I just don't like that command." They have reasons for interpreting the scripture the way they do. But there are Christian who do pick and choose in a more capricious way -- who will ignore something simply because they don't like it. And that seems more problematic to me.
I agree with you on both counts. There are important differences between picking and choosing and evaluating the information and coming to different conclusions than someone else. That being said, if your evaluation process is faulty, you won't necessarily come to very consistent conclusions.
Originally Posted by tiger777
HMm really? I find it hard that you would be able to pick and choose, it is the word of God is it not? If you really believe in God how could you basically say he's wrong and still believe he is this truly reightous and all knowing holy creator, perhaps I am missing something.
Hmm really. You are missing something. What does "saying god is wrong" have to do with it? Religious thought rarely just appears fully formed, in fact it probably never does- it happens when people attempt to interpret the things that they find spiritually significant. When person A comes to a different conclusion than person B in the interpretation of, say, the bible, it has nothing to do with disagreeing with god, or thinking that god is wrong. It's just person A and person B seeing things differently. The idea that there is an infallible interpretation of the bible is purely a human one, as far as i've seen, if there is a god, he hasn't published the annotated version yet.