It appears the consencus that humans are responsible has had some serious doubters in the scientific community based on a peer review of scientific studies.
Wrong again. Not a single author of any peer-reviewed paper cited in your link is a doubter of the fact that most or all of the recent warming was caused by anthropogenic activity. Plus not a single one of the denialist rants in that link was taken from a peer-reviewed article.
Do you actually know what peer review is?
For the record - the reason my mind is closed on this issue is because it is virtually impossible to discuss the question of global warming and its causes in an objective manner. Even Hansen has to revert to name calling, it is beneath a man with his experience and credentials.If a man of his stature can not discuss the issue objectively, why would I expect more from you or others here. I guess I should have known what to expect.
I know it must be hard to come to a full realization that you’re nothing but a buffoon in the eyes of Hansen or any other scientist. But put yourself in our shoes and think why: you have no scientific background or experience, in fact your mind is closed to the science
on principle, and you’re too intellectually lazy and irresponsible to notice that the “science” you do quote, this time from Rush Limbaugh’s Man in Washington Marc Morano, is a deliberate and calculated cartoon distortion.
Perhaps if you think about that for a few seconds, you’ll see that you might as well hang a big flashing neon sign on your back that says “Attention scientists: please kick my scrawny ass from here to the moon and back.”
Research scientists are meticulous, hard-working souls who must continually question and critically evaluate every new method, mode of analysis, and piece of information from all angles before it eventually makes its way into print, if it ever does. They generally have zero patience for people who distort their work for political gain, over and over again, as you have in this thread, completely unapologetically.
But feel free to keep doing it. I enjoy pointing it out to any interested lurkers here. Court jesters do have a functional purpose, after all.