Originally Posted by willravel
I loved Superman: Red Sun. I highly reccomend it. Superman's ship lands in the USSR...
Ironically enough I have that comic book because a friend bought it for me. Ehhh... I didn't really like it.
The whole Lex Luther is the ancestor of Superman thing and Krypton is really Earth thing didn't do it for me.
Anyway, there's no reason to believe that slavery would have continued in the South if the CSA had won the Revolutionary War. This is because, at the time, both Britain and France had outlawed slavery and was a major reason why neither entered the war to help the CSA. I'd find it hard to imagine either country offering financial/military support to the South if they continued their slave trade and, seeing as how the North had the the industries that the South lacked, the new nation surely would have been obliterated by a resurgent North. So, one way or another, slavery would have been abolished within five years of the end of the Revolutionary War-- Either because the CSA would have to for their livelihood or because the USA would conquer the CSA.