GOOD terms for body parts? Non-derogatory, non-scientific? I'm at a loss...
I need to find a few terms that aren't awful. Most terms for body parts are either kidsy, clinical, or derogatory, but very few are endearing.
We're getting into roleplaying and being very vocal, and I am at a loss for terms.
She hates "pussy", I hate "cunt", and everything else either sounds kidsy ("cookie?") clinical ("pudenda") or derogatory ("snatch", "twat", etc.)
Pisshole, urethra, peehole, also all sound awful.
Any suggestions? I've read a LOT of adult stories and nothing really ever sounded like something I would want to use to describe a part of the woman I love. You guys are pretty open with, well, everything. What are your favorite terms for body parts? I would especially like to hear from women, I need things she can say to help direct me (we're trying to give her a g-spot orgasm) that aren't going to turn her off. Any help will be much appreciated.
Urgency attracts Stupidity.