Originally Posted by dylanmarsh
For all of those wondering why A-Rod opted out and why Boras negotiated for that opt-out clause, it is because of 2001 dollars versus 2007 dollars. A-Rod was underpaid with his old contract. You have to give Boras credit for recognizing the inflation trends and protecting his client.
Please tell me you are joking because he was nowhere close to being underpaid. He was set to make $27M/yr for three more years. $81M total.
He has a career OPS+ of 147. Players with similar offensive numbers are:
2. Albert Pujols (27) 167 $12.9M
4. Manny Ramirez (35) 154 $17.0M
5. Jim Thome* (36) 150 $14.8M
6. Vladimir Guerrero (31) 148 $14.5M
9. Lance Berkman# (31) 146 $14.5M
10. Miguel Cabrera (24) 143 $7.4M (1st arb eligible year)
Todd Helton* (33) 143 $16.6M
Chipper Jones# (35) 143 $12.3M
These are all corner IF/OF guys so the position adjustment is not worth that much extra. ARod was not even close to being overpaid. Actually, the more I think of it I'm starting to put a lot of blame toward Boras. Reports are now that he might be
talking to the Steinbrenners without Boras involved.