Originally Posted by pan6467
I'll be very surprised if he even gets the $25 million he was making.
Well, prepare to be surprised. The sports stations in NYC are all abuzz with reports that Rodriguez is in direct talks with Hank and Hal Steinbrenner over a new contract. Scott Borras is reportedly not involved with these negotiations. The reported figure: 10 years, $275m. This is a steal, not only in financial terms, but in what they won't have to give up anymore to replace him. Not giving up Ian Kennedy, Jobba Chamberlain, Phillip Hughes, or even Melki Cabrerra to land a replacement third baseman means one of these four can be dealt to Minnesota in a bid to land Johan Santana.
Scott Borras gambled and lost, costing his client a sizeable chunk of change.
And you Yankee fans are a funny bunch. Two weeks ago, you were all, "good riddance, he's a money-whore, he couldn't come up big in the playoffs, yadda yadda." Today, it's "oh it's a great day in the Yankee kingdom, the Yankees are back! World Series in 08!" You guys sicken me with how quickly you turn on him, and just as quickly hop back on the A-Rod bandwagon. It's not even a you love him and hate him thing. You love or hatred of him seems dependent on the weather, the stock market update, the price of oil, yesterday's score, and the astrological report of the day. This has to be the most dysfunctional relationship I've ever seen between a player and his fans.