Originally Posted by ScottKuma
You probably are - and I'll explain to him/her the same as I did above....if I want to stick with it, I need to do what interests me.... Otherwise there's no use starting, because I know myself well enough to know that I won't keep it going.
Yeah, do what makes you happy. Acoustics are generally considered better to learn on and the reasons have been mentioned; at the same time, you'll learn a lot more from an electric you do play than you will from an acoustic you don't. The differences aren't all
that major. If plugging in and jamming out some fat chords is what interests you, then do that.
Definitely do invest in a metronome, though. Timing is something that does come naturally to an extent, but to really develop that skill you need a way to keep a steady pace. If you're not playing in a band with a capable drummer, having a little ticker to do it for you is the next best thing.