Originally Posted by dc_dux
I would suggest the "dense" comment is yours..."There can be made (sic) made "causes" without man being the "cause"...... The consensus is that there are anthropogenic contributions to global warming.....but you dont seem to understand the difference between contribution and causation.
Now, I don't understand the position of people like you Gore and Hansen. Are you folks saying humans are the cause of global warming or are you saying that humans contribute to global warming?
Just so I understand the latest exchange:-- you post an article that you find interesting but offer no further comment or opinion. (#96)
-- i respond with my opinon about the author (and his well-documented biases and affiliations) and an article that points out how your article was misleading. (#97)
-- you respond with a charge of ad hominem arguments as well as another criticism of Hansen(#98) Make sense to you?
Nope, you don't understand. You have failed to connect all of the dots, and the above makes no sense. What was written is available for all to see. Generally you made assumptions when you had no basis, made my post referencing Maro's article - about me rather than the points in the article, and used ad hominem arguments not relevant to what I found interesting in the article. Even now you call it my article, when I did not write it or even comment on the merits of the points in the article.
For the record - the reason my mind is closed on this issue is because it is virtually impossible to discuss the question of global warming and its causes in an objective manner. Even Hansen has to revert to name calling, it is beneath a man with his experience and credentials. If a man of his stature can not discuss the issue objectively, why would I expect more from you or others here. I guess I should have known what to expect.