Good luck, I hope you get something nice. But any functional "free" car is pretty good imo.
I had one a few years ago, but nothing "high end". It was a Pontiac Grand Prix. It worked fine and it was free so what's not to like. At that time my wife had a car but I didn't have another car. That company's policy was to replace all company cars every 3 years, but you could ask for an exception if you wanted to keep it longer.
I really did not need the car for any legitimate company purpose since I never travelled for work. So I just drove it back and forth and they took care of the tax accounting. I did pay for gas, but they paid for all other costs, maintenance, insurance, etc., even weekly car washes. It was given to me since I declined their salary offer as not quite adequate and they threw that in with some other stuff, which made it an OK deal for me. Funny, they drove me to the company president's house to get it out of his garage since his wife was using it ...this was a large publically traded company not a little private outfit. I think there is a lot of abuse of such company "benefits".