Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
We are different PERSONS to every PERSON we interact with because we come individually packaged.
I like to think we're more like the plasma membrane of cells.
Porous, throbbing, changing, letting certain things in, rejecting others.
The interstitial areas... where the differences in humans hide.
Originally Posted by Vitter
Thanks for the responses, much appreciated . I do believe that personalities can change, Martian, but for the most part I was attempting to allude to the people that seem to believe one shouldn't disguise their persona to anybody for any period of time. I've talked to a female that thought it was wrong to do, and I've thought of her as being the 'Average Jane', and for the most part I wanted to know if her belief was the general consensus. I'm glad most people on this board have more than the iota of intelligence this girl displayed.
This isn't impersonating another personality. This is called tact.