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Old 11-13-2007, 12:19 PM   #19 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Time for Ustwo tough love.

So you don't like sorority girls and now are acting like the stereotype by bitching about them in a petty fashion?

You had some girl acting rude wearing sorority letters and now get to proclaim how much better you are because you don't 'buy your friends?'

You enjoy calling them sluts even though you had a threesome yourself recently? Its ok for you to enjoy sex but not them, because they are sluts and 'SOR-OST-I-TUTEs)?

Wow the immature response comes to mind...edited.

Anyway, I did not stereotype all sorority girls. (if you read my original post) My sister in fact is in a sorority. I also had a great roommate who was a member of a Christian sorority on campus and she was a great. I have nothing to be jealous of except maybe those wonderful boots they all seem to wear with miniskirts.

And yes, when someone treats me with disrespect for no reason I have a right to think she's a bitch especially after the way she acted. She represents that type of crowd, and therefore is a poor reflection. Your wife might have been in a sorority but she wasn't the one who was rude to me and made me get irritated about the entire genre of people to begin with.

And another thing, I do not go out and have random threesomes with people I do not know. I do not sleep around with people I do not know. I'm in a monogamous adult relationship. Sorority girls are known to party hard, sleep around, and do other promiscuous things. I've heard several girls in my P.E. classes talk about their crazy weekends and how they hooked up with so and so.

Originally Posted by hambone
I am glad no one is agreeing with this original post. This is stereotyping at its worst, especially since this is seemingly based upon an incident with an INDIVIDUAL.

By the way, my wife is a former sorority president and exhibits none of the characteristics complained about.

And I personally dislike frats/sororities so I am not all about defending them, but such generalizations are ridiculous.

I am allowed an opinion. If you have a problem don't read it. Those girls make it this way by their actions. If they were taught better maybe there wouldn't be such a negative stereotype associated. Show's how well they were brought up, good job to their parents.

I would be embarrassed if I had a daughter like that.

Last edited by surferlove007; 11-13-2007 at 12:34 PM..
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