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Old 11-13-2007, 11:54 AM   #17 (permalink)
Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
There are two, one referencing a Christian frat (possibly may have been specified in the original poster's mind, to contrast with their 'Edward 40 Hands'ing and beer-ponging impression of secular frats), and one referencing the fact that my sister attends a Christian college that does not allow the Greek system, but does allow effectively interchangible 'social clubs,' thus answering a specific question asked in the thread.

Both comments give important context to the comments being made. Are you that knee-jerk opposed to the existence of religion and religious organizations that you need to call attention to the fact that it was mentioned?

/end threadjack
No, I feel like I'm visiting another planet sometimes. A planet trapped in a pre Vietnam era focus on God, Guns, 'n Gays. I come from the northeast, an area first settled by religious fundamentalists who founded the first colleges in America. Harvard and Yale were both originally schools of theology/divinity, created to turn out ministers to cultivate new flocks as settlement spread west.

Today, there are nearly no christian or bible colleges in NY and New England. That "movement" was on the wane at the time the Baptist church permanently divided over the issue of slavery in the 1840's.

I spent my time on campus when sororieties were in the past, phased out, as was any influence of "christian belief". I also believe that christian zealots are influencing the federal government and courts to the degree that they are destroying it:

I want to see our society go forward, not backwards. This thread's OP reads to me similarly to one that could begin with, another student in my class was using a buggy whip to harrass the student sitting in front of her.

I want to live in a society where the public influence, even the mention of religion, is noticeably more subdued, than is in Iran. I'm not seeing that, I'm seeing a progression towards the opposite. A reference to "christian fraternities", and one to a "christian college", in one thread, in just a dozen posts, in a thread not about a "christian" related subject, is to me, a sign of "the problem", and I mentioned it.

By the way...the spell checker on this forum, is programmed to display an error if the "c" in "christian" is not capitalized.

Last edited by host; 11-13-2007 at 12:00 PM..
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