Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
I have met some really rude, self-centered sorostitute (pronounched SOR-OST-I-TUTE :James made the word) sluts whom I think are a waste of space on this earth
We've been using the term sorostitute around these parts for some time now, probably since I first came to college 7 years ago.
Sorostitutes are the girls you see on Friday/Saturday/Sunday morning stumbling home from whatever frat party they managed to crash at, their ironed-out bleached-blonde hair disheveled, making that Walk of Shame.
To be clear, not all women in sororities are sorostitutes. Each house has its own attitude. Chi Omega tends to attract feminist liberals, oddly enough. A lot of women join sororities out of legacy, that is to say their mother or grandmother was in the sorority and so they joined because it's the family thing to do. You can't paint all women in sororities with the same brush.
Furthermore, wearing Greek letters does not necessarily mean that one is a part of a social fraternity or sorority--there are plenty of service fraternities, honor societies, and professional fraternities and sororities that also use Greek letters to denote membership. I'm a member of Alpha Phi Omega, Phi Eta Sigma, and Alpha Lambda Delta (a service fraternity and two honor societies), and I know people in those organizations--especially APO--who like to wear their letters.
I don't think being in a sorority or fraternity has anything to do with a person's rudeness. We say that we don't want people to use labels to judge us, yet we find it convenient to do the same to them.
One of my good friends is a research assistant. He has a B.S. in biochemistry and biophysics. He's tall, skinny, and one of the nerdiest-looking guys you'll ever meet. But you know what else? He was the president of his fraternity in university, and is still incredibly active in his frat as an alumnus. It surprises most people to find that out about him, but in my mind, people are incredibly complex creatures with complex interests. Some people find that social life interesting. I'm not one of them, but I'm not going to condemn them for it, either.
Like I said, rude people are just that--rude people. And they're everywhere. Like cynthetiq's sig says, either you're an asshole or you're not. Whatever else you are really has no relation to that--either you're an asshole or you're not.