Originally Posted by Martian
I think the sorority/fraternity thing is unique to the US; at least, I've never heard of them up here. Of course, I never went to college either so it's possible that we have them and I just don't know about it.
In any case, shallow, petty and ignorant people are always going to be a part of life. Branding them with greek letters seems like a good idea to me, as it'll make them easier to avoid.
I know some Canadian universities have the Greek system frats/sororities (If you take a walk down St George Street in Toronto, you will see all of the frat houses for U of T) but I don't know how pervasive it is. I do know that at my university it was forbidden to have these organizations. You could be expelled from Queen's if you tried to set one up. Are there any other types of frats besides the Greek system?