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Old 11-13-2007, 09:26 AM   #4 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Time for Ustwo tough love.

So you don't like sorority girls and now are acting like the stereotype by bitching about them in a petty fashion?

You had some girl acting rude wearing sorority letters and now get to proclaim how much better you are because you don't 'buy your friends?'

You enjoy calling them sluts even though you had a threesome yourself recently? Its ok for you to enjoy sex but not them, because they are sluts and 'SOR-OST-I-TUTEs)?

I had a run in with a sorosititute and I married her, have two kids, shes working on painting the kitchen right now.

This is typical when you have a club that not everyone can join. Even if you could join them if you tried, the fact that you are not in makes it something of an out group, something to vilify and it goes both ways, and for some reason women seem more effected by this sort of thing. You are jealous of a sort and don't even know it. Its not that you have to really want to play their reindeer games, but knowing that you can't creates feelings of resentment. All a group like a sorority does is give outward signs to a typical clique, something for you to point at and feel superior to as a defense mechanism.

The good news is in three or four more years it won't matter to you or them. I can't recall the last time I met someone new and asked if they were 'greek'.
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