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Old 11-13-2007, 08:46 AM   #9335 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
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Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
that association made me wonder about this report from July 2000:

July 10 -- Wonder Bread hierarchy too white, suit charges. What more symbolically fraught company to get sued on race discrimination charges than Wonder Bread? Bay Area politician/attorney Angela Alioto, representing 21 black workers at Interstate Brands' San Francisco bakery, thinks $260 million an appropriate amount to ask for failure to promote and other sins; the trial began May 24. A feud has also developed between Alioto and co-counsel Waukeen McCoy, with Alioto accusing McCoy of swiping three of her clients. (Dennis J. Opatrny, "Wonder Bread Race Discrimination Trial Opens in S.F.", The Recorder/CalLaw, May 30; Alioto website). Update: jury awarded $11 million in compensatory and $121 million in punitive damages (see Aug. 4).
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