This was just the thing healer and I discussed the other day... It's amazing how i only came across this thread now.
But yeah, kind of a motto that we and most of our friends try to live by is..."just be happy you're getting it now!"
that being said i kinda think 70 by the time you're 23 is quite a number

wow. and all be she experienced...i still think it's kinda wow. but who am i to judge...maybe she just likes me, although my number remains at ten including healer. healer being number ten
so, healer was saying how disappointed he was in his younger self because he was so shy and when he went on a basketball tour with the Eastern Province guys and girls team how he coulda played kisses with almost all those girls but he was too slow and shy...
and that got me thinking about my "experience". and i felt dirty all of a sudden
and healer told me, as long as they had to work for what they got and i wasn't freegiving and all of that

i don't know where i'm going with this but yeah, anyways...
i for one am happy that healer was a virgin when i met him. it was refreshing in a way to have someone pure who "waited" for me and in turn sometimes i wish so badly that i could take it all back and have waited for him too.
but i guess what it does boil down to is experience and the mistakes you made you learn not to make them again.
i'm grateful that healer is the man he is when it comes to this kind of thing. and it's because of him that i am at peace with my whorish self

ok, now i'm just typing anything that comes into my head, so i'm going to stop now
that was just my two cents : thumbsup: