Originally Posted by dlishsguy
i would have thought that tfp was above mere stereotypes and more inclined towards conversation rather than picking jokes.
maybe this thread should be better off in the humour section than the general discussion. its obvious that the OP posted for the mere novelty of getting a chuckle than a serious discussion.
and for those that may take this thread a little more seriously and query the significance of the position of mecca. The reason for the 'compass' or GPS is that devout muslims pray 5 times a day towards mecca. so by including a compass or gps in a car so that muslims can get their bearings right for their prayers is more of a financial decision that a spiritual one.
Oh I'm well aware, but between some Islamic states not allowing women the right to drive and suicide bombings I could write quite a few off color jokes. To me such is the best way to deal with something like this. Doing a google image search for 'Muslim car' doesn't produce very funny results.
Its a marketing ploy only, its not worthy of serious discussion.