On a only slightly related note, I think its my calling in life to make 'cunt' a household word.
Here is a fun trick for you gents with rational girl friends/wives (and by that I mean they are willing to use logic over emotion).
At some point in a debate say 'Quit being such a cunt about this' or the like. Make sure its not in a real argument though, you want emotions to be even before dropping the c bomb.
See the waves of shock and awe on her face.
Now for the fun. After she mentally recovers and says something like 'What did you call me!' or the like say 'a cunt? Whats the big deal?'
Now is when you can have a discussion on the power of a word, and ask her just why its such a trigger word for women. I've never understood why its such a 'bad' word other then people are taught to think of it as the ultimate insult to a women.
This is advanced communication 302, so I wouldn't recommend this unless you already know the outcome based on knowing her personality