I am a foreign national, RA volunteer veteran of Vietnam. I served with the American forces in II Corps, 1966-67.
I don’t know if it constitutes a “gripe” but I feel that my fellow veterans take the experience too seriously. There’s a pompous attitude that I find very distasteful.
We did it. We were there. As far as the discrimination we experienced afterward – fair enough. I’m with you 100%. No. 1000%. But using the status of veteran as a “get-out-of-jail-free-card”, or “Yeah-I’m-guilty-of-the-crime-but-I’m-a-veteran-so-back-off” or “I-know-more-about-the-war-in-Vietnam-than-anyone-who-wasn’t-there” ……………… well, that’s a load of pathetic BULLSHIT. It's a crutch for people with no character and even less backbone.