Thread: Pussy != vagina
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Old 11-11-2007, 09:19 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cyborg Ninja
That's funny, considering most of the people in this thread know and stated what "vagina" in fact means. Do I need to explain to you every anatomical part? Do I need to explain what a "bone" is if some people refer it to their dick? This is what happens when you have abstinence-only education, people.
I think what most of us aren't getting is the question of why this matters, not that from an exceedingly linguistic perspective you are, I suppose, correct. Pussy is slang and is really only used in contexts where it makes essentially no difference to what exact part of the female genitalia it refers whether that be interior or exterior. There's no meaningful difference between the words for purposes of usage, since no doctor is ever going to talk about a patient's "pussy" and that's really the only time that any distinction between the two words would ever have any impact.

Your point leaves most of us hanging because we're unable to see why making sure everyone knows exactly what these two words refer to in exacting terms makes a difference, and some random dig on abstinence-only education does little to illuminate your OP.
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