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Old 11-11-2007, 09:13 PM   #66 (permalink)
Originally Posted by rlbond86
You're one to talk, host. I don't see a suggestion of what to do in your post, just criticism. How do you think we can solve the problem? We surely can't kick them out -- we don't have the resources, and there's not political support for it.

Yes, there are some people who will get away with what they've done. But, it would be possible to stop illegal immigration COMPLETELY after offering amnesty, all with the support of the pro-illegal immigrant demographic.

You are complaining that it's not fair, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. There's not a way to eliminate all the problems that illegal workers has created.

Can you do better?
You must have missed my opinion of a solution. It's at the bottom of post #59 pn this thread:
......Strict enforcement of existing laws and realistic penalties levied against employers who hire and profit from illegals, would remove the incentive for illegal workers to be here. Deportation would not be necessary if illegals could not find or keep jobs because of their status.
Prosecute everyone who benefits economically from this assault on our society, with an investigative and enforcement preference against those paying for the labor of illegals.

Make it so the risk isn't worth it anymore. they cross our borders illegally for job opportunities. Eliminate the reason they come here illegally.

I have a friend who has lived in the US illegally for 15 years. He's been employed here the entire time. He just returned after a trip back to his home country, his first in 11 years.

To leave here, he simply went to the airport in the US and flew non-stop to his home city. To return to the US, he had to hire a "coyote" to get him across the border, and once across, he had to hire "underground" van transportation to a northern west coast city. He was too concerned about immigration enforcement to take a bus or a train to back here in the east, so he borrowed money from a sister living legally in the US, to pay the exorbitant fee of the same, underground van service, for the privilege of sitting for 4 days in a windowless cargo van, packed with other illegals, as it dropped them off in cities one at a time, all across the US. He had the misfortune of being the last to be dropped off.

My solution? Make it as hard of a task to hire an illegal alien, in addition to the risk of stiff penalties if you're caught employing them, as it was for my friend to return to his home of 15 years. Now, they're doing it right out in the open. The easiest part of my friend's return was finding a job. I don't want to see my friend forced by our government to return to his home country. He'll leave on his own if he can't find someone to look the other way at the questionable documentation he provides to a US employer to obtain a job.

He is unhappy here, and it isn't the poverty at home that brings him here. He's here because Americans are willing to employ him, even though he does not have the legal right to work, or even be, in the US.

It was inconvenient for my friend to come back here, security is much tighter than it was 11 years ago, when he last returned to the US.

The US employers have not begun to be harrassed by authorities for what they have been doing....let's inconvenience them, by enforcing the laws.

Huge numbers of illegals were employed by home builders during the recent housing boom. The high profile builder with a national presence, simply hired "subs" who employed the illegals. Federal, state and local govenment has made a practice of doing the same thing.

Bears used to be a much bigger menace in high traffic areas in some national parks, than they are today. Securing access to food sources, education to promote public awareness, and fining those who still fed the bears, anyway, drastically reduced the bears incentive to forage in popullated areas instead of hunting and foraging in the wild.

I mean no disrespect to anyone, and I'm not comparing illegal aliens to bears. I am pointing out how stopping the incentive to intrude will drastically reduce the intrusion.

Last edited by host; 11-11-2007 at 09:29 PM..
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