Originally Posted by Strange Famous
the deterrent argument doesnt count for much, there is very little evidence of harsher punishments reducing crime - especially crimes which are carried out by deviants in any case.
You should do your homework. Castration in Denmark and Switzerland, has been a great success to battle sexual crimes.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
And I think my point is the one you would have to answer... how to resolve a miscarriage of justice when you've already had the innocent person's nuts off?
More homework, then. Castrations, using the general term of disabling the testicles, can simply be the disconnection of the vas deferens, the tube connecting the testicles to the ejaculatory duct. That process is easily reversible.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Torturing even the worst criminals is not a sign of a good society... the answer is simply to cast them outside of society (ie - in prison) and make them work.