Originally Posted by ironpham
One of the things that helped me learn to sing and play at the same time was to learn with songs from bands that have the lead singer also play guitar. You'll find that the lyrics and the rhythm patterns match up better (of course this isn't always true).
As a matter of fact, I think the first song that I learned to sing and play at the same time was Waiting by Green Day.
There's also that garage band perennial, Brain Stew. It's a pretty simple song on guitar, just a series of power chords, two hits on each. Add in the muted strumming between verses and you've basically got the entire song down.
The first song I sang and played at the same time was Free Falling, by Tom Petty. It's dmaj, dsus, dmaj, amaj and the strumming matches up to the vocals fairly well. Once you've the basic pattern down you can elaborate on it a little in the choruses to give the song a bit more movement and make it more interesting.
But yeah. Drills! Do em. Learn em. Love em. They will make you better at your craft.