Originally Posted by debaser
If you feel that death is absolutely the worst thing that can befall you, then I offer my condolences.
Actually, i don't think that death is the worst thing that can befall a person. There are a lot more important things that i'd be willing to die for than temporary loss of dignity and liberty. Honestly, i think that there are many instances where choosing death over temporary loss of liberty and dignity is the irresponsible choice.
I don't think that being stripped of liberty and dignity is necessarily and absolutely worse than death, which is what i meant when i responded to your post claiming otherwise. Really, i find the notion laughable, especially in the context of this thread, where essentially you're saying that you'd rather die than suffer the loss of liberty and dignity associated with getting mugged. I mean, you're entitled to your own opinion, but excuse me if i think you're being a little bit of a drama queen over here. What's next? You'd rather die than get shitty customer service?
"'Tis better to die while covered by warranty than be denied by best buy's shitty quality assurance plan."
By the way, in the intervening minutes since my last post I held several "unscientific polls" in graveyards and morgues. I can report that when I voiced the opinion I put forth in post #76, I heard absolutely no objections. So it seems that the constituency you wish so ferverently to avoid joining does not espouse your views after all.
They wouldn't object if you had asked them whether you could make love to their corpses either. So lube up, i guess.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Or zombie attack.
You'd need a lot of bullets.