Okay I figured I would clarify some things up here to what I said. People seem to think its alright to assume here on this forum sometimes and don't actually take the time to think about things before they write them. First off, I NEVER said that its a womans job to be a slave for her man. I mean it that guys AND girls have to be %100 sexually active for their partner, BOTH need to be that way. I was just focusing on the men because well duh, thats what the original person who created this topic was talking about that stray. And to say that a relationship is not about sec, is bullshit. Take a look at all relationships, ever notice how married couples for many years joke about how they don't even know what sex is anymore? I bet if you got down to it, they will tell you they are miserable with their relationship. I know that its not the first thing on people's minds, but sex is a very big factor in a relationship. Ever notice in a relationship, if something is going wrong and both aren't happy that no sex is going on? Its simple, its just most people don't want to admit thats whats wrong with alot of marriages. That and not communicating. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of other factors of why relationships get ruined and why people cheat, but sex as I have seen it every time, is a key factor. So no its not just men who cheat or need to be there sexually 100% for woman, its the same damn thing the other way around for the woman too.
"The only way to enjoy life, is to try different things, and take risks. Sometimes you just have to jump in with both feet and hope for the best "