It is our opinion that an individual who is skilled in the accumulation of capital in the face of and in oppositition to every human and social consideration will be found lacking in the necessary skills to run a corporation which is based on achieving public good, bot ammassing capital and profit.
By no means to I especially want the biggest capitalists to clean toilets... I said if they insisted on working in their former organisation then this is appropriate.
When someone leads a private company we must understand that the wealth they have ammassed is directly the result of the exploitation of their workers and of society. To allow them to maintain any kind of power within the democraticised corporation would undermine it.
These capitalist fat cats have exploited sometimes millions and billions of dollars by exploiting the working class, pillaging the environment and ripping off the consumers.. We do not propose ANY punishment for this. We even allow a VERY COMFORTABLE living wage to be paid to these individuals after we have returned all assets of the business and their person to the public, where ownership rightly belongs.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas