Originally Posted by james t kirk
You may be alarmed to know that 75 to 80% of the population has HPV.
Just thought I'd share that with you.
Don't worry, I'm well aware of the fact. I had one partner (when I was blacked out) before I met ktspktsp, and I got HPV from him. That guy told me he had been with 7 people before me. Not high numbers, not at all. I slept with ONE person. I still got HPV. It's not the end of the world, I realized. I'm going back for my 6th pap smear in 3 years soon (you have to have 6 clear paps before they declare you free of it), and I hardly even think about it.
But yes, if I ever had to sleep with someone else again (threesome or whatever), I would have to tell them that I had HPV, and as a result, ktspktsp probably has it too. I've slept with two people, he's slept with one. That's enough to screw us over, if I had contracted the kind that leads to cervical cancer.
On the European note: Yeah, here in Iceland, pretty much everyone has slept with everyone. Nobody asks what your "number" is, that would be asinine. I would be willing to bet good money that 8 out of 10 Icelanders (including women) have had at least 20 partners, probably closer to 40 or 50. No one cares, no one asks. What you're seeing in this thread is good ol' American puritanism at its best.