Originally Posted by hrandani
Hi, my name is rlbond86, I'm totally incapable of original opinions or critical thought because my entire post was stolen entirely from any AM radio talk show in the past 5 years.
By the way, I know a shitload of illegal immigrants, and they all pay taxes. Not just to the IRS, but all the stuff we pay tax on in our daily lives, gasoline, tobacco, alcohol.. You've assembled a bunch of straw men and convinced yourself you have an army. Open your eyes for once.
Fact is this country cannot exist without illegal immigration right now, nor anytime in the future. Now you tell me how to deal with that.
Furthermore there is a massive illegal population of eastern europeans in the northeast united states and chinese in the west, but you NEVER hear people talk about how evil they are, and how they need to be deported. This could be construed as veiled racism.
Fuck it man, this is what America is all about. Starting over, and working your way to wealth from nothing. You're honestly going to take that away from impoverished third worlders? What the hell is wrong with you.
Nice job distorting what I said. Here's an idea; maybe I actually consider other opinions and see which ones I think make the most sense instead of just making shit up. If we need these people so badly then make a law to allow them. I don't know how hard it is for you to understand that THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HERE. Now, I did not say that we should hunt them down. I did not say that we should go arresting them. I said that they would benefit from legal status and we could prevent further influx of these people.
There are places in California and Florida where schools aren't even taught in English. That is wrong -- these children won't have a way to succeed outside their communities. Now I'm all for people seeking a legal way into this country. But you can't just let everyone in -- you CAN'T.
Meanwhile, if your illegal friends were offered a green card, legal rights, and a path to citizenship, would they accept? They even can take their immediate family along! They'd have to be crazy not to want that.
Most illegals do not have car insurance or a driver's license. This is bad news too. That means if I get hit by an illegal then I have to file for a hit-and-run in most cases, and the roads are not getting safer. Personally I am glad that some states are starting to offer illegal aliens the ability to be insured. Good for those states. But for now, this is still another argument about illegal aliens.
If we could stop illegal immigration almost completely, just think how many more legal aliens we could admit; those people who do not want to break the law but desperately want to live here. Did you ever think of that?
Next time you disagree with someone, attack the statement, not the person. For someone on the TFP for so long, I would expect you to know better.