The responses to this episode seem to be either liked it or hated it. I am in the liked it quite a bit camp. I thought there were quite a few funny moments, and I thought the B story was good too. There was a whole lot packed into that tag at the end of the episode. Could be some serious foreshadowing as to the plotline with Jim. I liked Creed doing the birthday dance, and Michael cutting his pants off and duct taping them back on. And lots of other stuff. It was a good episode.
Season 4, by the way, is exceeding all my expectations. I have liked every episode so far. I think it is shaping up extremely well, and I am very disappointed to know that as of right now there is only one (1) more episode left before the reruns. I truly hope the writers strike gets resolved if for no other reason then to keep the momentum of this great season rolling...
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys