Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I don't still don't see anything unethical or illegal. You've implied that you think some sort of back-room dealing was going on but you haven't stated that or provided any proof other than "things changed".
If the original copy that went missing was different than what you were supplied, then you're taking about document fraud, and that's a crime. If you're unhappy, talk to another lawyer, preferably one in another city with no connection. A consultation won't cost you much and will most likely give you some peace of mind if nothing else.
I really appreciate your reply, and I do not want to seem as if I am arguing anything you have said. Also, I am wondering if I am not seeing the big picture or am seeing it through distorted eyes. Or maybe I just don't know how things truly work in the lawyer field.
If you saw nothing wrong with the executor's lawyer ADDING a clause to the trust, AFTER the person had died, then I must be confused.
The beneficiary's lawyer, (not the head of the firm, but another one at the firm) wholeheartedly agreed that the clause did indeed seem to be added. He was telling beneficiary that the courts or the lawyers are now even confiscating hard drives from computers to enforce documents were as they are supposed to be at an earlier time, and nothing had been altered.
This particular lawyer was very adamant as to going forward with the case, and proving that the executor and her lawyer were not doing things right. Just the fact of them going by the amendment they had taken to the hospital for the man to sign, which he refused to sign it, but they were treating it, as the way things were going to go , completely disregarding the original trust, did not seem to be the way they were supposed to be handling things. The amendment had changed the provisions given to the beneficiary in the original trust, but the man refused to sign it.
Like I said, the beneficiary lawyer was totally ready to go into court or litigation with no resolve until things were done right, but it was at this point that the head of the firm had a meeting with the executors lawyer, which was a friend, and then the beneficiary lawyer said everything had changed, and we were going to accept anything they offered.. WHAT??