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Old 11-09-2007, 12:37 PM   #91 (permalink)
Strange Famous
follower of the child's crusade?
people can call me a troll, or call me ignorant, or whatever else they want.

I can tell YOU two things.

There will NEVER be a Muhammad Ali of "MMA", there will never be a fighter of MMA who breaks into mainstream awareness. However much popularity the sport gains amongst 20-30 males and HS kids and college students... there will never be a MMA fighter who is "da champ"

Whatever anyone says, I will always consider striking an opponent as down as cowardly, unsporting, and unmanly. You fight all out, and do anything that is allowed in the rules to get an advantage, but when a man is down.. you let him back up or let him stay down. To strike someone that is down, to attack a man who is already beaten... to me this is not something I ever want to see outside of a common brawl... I speak genuinely when I say it is disgusting to me.

I am sure MMA athletes are skilled and train hard, I am sure anything goes in a street fight... but what they do is not a sport that will ever enter popular culure. In a MMA fight, someone who trained all for years in this kind of activity would beat someone who trained as a boxer. In a boxing ring, a quality boxer would beat an MMA fighter every time.

The controversial question... what if Sugar Ray Robison had spent his whole life training in MMA, what if Royce Baysie has spent his whole life training as a boxer... you can look at it how you want, my opinion is that still hardly anyone would have heard of Royce Baysie, and still Sugar Ray would be one of the greatest of all time - and he would have done it in the ring under queensbury rules, not in a cage fight.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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