Originally Posted by hrandani
This country will be destroyed the day we begin acting like the self-destructive policies of Great Britain and France in regards to immigration. The nation was built on immigration, and it continues to be the best and worst of America.
TBH I like the Mexicans better than the natives most days.
And for all the throwing around of the word illegal - do you have any idea how many things you do on a daily basis that are illegal? Come on now. Nobody points their finger at you and says jesus h christ malcolm your tail light is out, you're a goddamn illegal. Holy Mother of God, you just went 5 over the speed limit and changed lanes during passage through an intersection, you're a goddamn illegal.
I know for a fact that my direct ancestors who landed in Massachusetts during the 1600s had no papers, no right to come here, I'm not about to turn around and deny honest people the means to support their families. They're just looking for work, they don't want a free ride any more than you do. If it hadn't been for our economic policies (here's to you, Milton Friedman) ravaging the finest Latin American countries financially, repeatedly over the past 50 years they might not even be coming up here for work.
Here's the problem. According to the laws of the United States, these people aren't supposed to be here. There's a legitimate way to gain entrance to this country, and these people are circumventing that. Moreover, many do not speak English or pay taxes or contribute to society. Now, like I originally said, I think we have no choice but to give the people who are here, and their immediate families, legal alien status, but impose an additional tax on them -- though I should have stated that criminals would be excluded. Then we should put forth a serious effort to stop any further illegal border crossing and step up enforcement. I feel like most rational people would accept this compromise. You can't just let anyone who wants to come to your country come in.