If you're opposed to the number of sexual partners a member of the opposite sex and they are clean then the only motivation behind your displeasure can be what you can consider moral. I sincerely hope that if you're coming at it from a moral ground that you are morally clean yourself.
In my personal opinion people that judge deserve others that judge as well. I would also think in my own personal opinion that god or whomever will judge our souls when we pass would be more concerned with people who live falsely (hypocrites can be included in this) than good people who enjoy physical pleasure.
Despite the bible posturing my feelings are the same, I do not care how many men a woman has been with as long as she treats me with respect when we're together.
In my book Honesty, Kindness are qualities that outweigh desire for physical pleasure.
Lets concentrate on the important things, and I think your SOs number isn't one of them.
Patriotism means being loyal to your country all the time and to its government when it deserves it.
--Mark Twain
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"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness" - Chuang-Tzu