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Old 11-09-2007, 11:18 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Indiana
Ok, so we're less than a year away now from the election and months away from primaries. It got me to thinking, what platforms, what issues do you want to see addressed? In other words what would your perfect candidate run on?
I really like most of your ideas.

- raise import tariffs lower income and domestic business taxes. I'm tired of paying my hard earned dollars while knowing that some guy in a foreign country is laughing at us as his goods get delivered with minimum import taxes. China and Japan get to bring their steel here dirt cheap, and yet our steel industry (that is dying) gets taxed here at home, then gets the Hell taxed out of it elsewhere. Free trade does not work one way, yet we keep doing it. It has to end, we are destroying ourselves by allowing minimum import tariffs and taxing the people and domestic businesses into oblivion. Enough is enough.
Totally agree, it's not fair that we have to compete with countries that don't have our enviornmental regulations and labor laws without a tarif to balance it out.

- close the borders, perhaps give an easier route to citizenship, but no more illegals. They committed a crime getting here and are a burden to the nation. NO MORE. The cost to taxpayers, jobs and crime rates are horrendous. We cannot support this any longer and the borders must be closed.
No, arguments there.

- give every LEGAL citizen $1Million dollars. Then completely get rid of welfare, social security, Medicaid and restructure Medicare so that retirees still have some insurance but it is based on income and a sliding scale. That Million is your retirement, investment in health care insurance, and life. What you do, how you spend it is up to you, but if you are 65 and it is gone, don't look to the taxpayers and government for support. If you choose to, the government can and will contract investment firms and invest the money for you so that you can't touch it until retirement or necessary (buying a house, etc.) Education is not a part of this, there is aid for furthering education available.
$1 million dollars to every citizen seemed crazy when I first read it, but after realizing that the budget is 2. something trillion, I think we could afford a couple hundred million. I'm all for phasing out social programs in some manner like this. Giving people back the money they put in while allowing people like me to get out of these programs when we have no hope in seeing a return on our investment.

- Invest more into education, but colleges that raise tuitions more than 3% every 2 years and cannot show a true legitimate reason why, lose accredation and student aid no longer will be allowed at those schools. Colleges and Universities are there to teach and to help generations grow, not to be businesses and fleece the populations. They are a public service and their job is to keep the citizenry educated and competitive on an international level. They need to be kept affordable.
Disagree somewhat here. I feel education isn't a federal issue and should be run as a business.

- End the war in Iraq, it's a money pit and hurting us in many ways. America does not need to be the policeman of the world. It is time to take care of our own and start a regrowth.

End all financial aid to other countries. If Israel can't make it on their own, then all well. If a country needs humanitarian aid, that's what the UN is for.
Agreed, its unconstitutional and we could use the money here anyway.

- Work on eliminating the income tax and figure out a true system that will not penalize people for what they make but promote growth and economic stability so that we don't have the drastic economic swings we have been having.

- Regulate security. No open bids for out of country companies to watch our ports, airports, build our highways, etc. We are the UNITED STATES of AMERICA it is time we act like it and let our own work to protect and build our future.
Yes, outsourcing security is treasonous.

- Strengthen the military by raising wages on the enlisted men, put money into research and development, only companies owned by Americans, with factories in the USA will be contracted to work.

Only thing I'd really like to see in addition is the elimination of the Federal Reserve. It takes away buying power from the lower/middle classes and hands it to the upper 1% through fractional reserve banking.

Honestly, this platform is very Ron Paulish with a few differences.
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.
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