If you're trying to build the following works for me:
Strength - Pyramid routine for larger muscle exercises (i.e. - bench press, squat).
each percentage refers to 1 rep max
80% - 4
85% - 3
90% - 2
95% - 1
70% rep out as many as you can.
So if your max bench press is 225 your routine would be:
180 X 4
190 X 3
205 X 2
215 X 1
170 as many times as you can.
Mass - 4 sets between 6-8 reps.
Tone - 4 sets between 10-15 reps.
When you are able to complete the maximum # of reps for any routine, increase the weight. Variety is always a good thing. Change up your routine every several months.
Remember to always use a spotter...
I've yet to dephile myself...