i find myself repeating martian again here:
look at those vapid muscle-bound guys getting laid left and right, and i'd bet that in the situation where they met the girl, they appeared confident. take the geeky/talented/whatever guy, and i'll bet the girl interacted with him in a situation where he seemed...confident. he wasn't confident at the football game or around the pool, but get him next to a guitar or a computer or talking about comparitive religion, and he's in his element.
thus, i think you'll find that the athletic build, the money, the whatever quality-women-say-they-don't-care-about-but-really-do tend to track with a certain type of self-confidence. very rarely is a guy an emaciated world of warcraft guildmaster, with no self-esteem, and racking up chicks. but if that guy seems interesting or quirky or well, happy with himself...then he's got the old fighting chance in the dance of the mating ritual.
then you consider timing or whatnot...maybe he was confident one particular day because he'd just finished acing an exam, and he happened to be there to talk to the 'girl out of his league' and they established a rapport where he felt confident around her. that interraction, i think, can be reinforced when they hang out in the future, and she'll see something in him that other's just don't see. etc.
in the end, just be happy with yourself. rain or shine, you'll be ok...and some chick somewhere is going to wind up falling for you.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style