for someone i'm seriously dating, i agree with martian that it's a pretty natural topic in learning about your partner's pyschology, background, personality, etc. part of that whole bit where you give your personal histories. if you're just having sex; the question is probably pointless, and i don't see why it would matter. you're rolling the dice and you know it. you wrap it up or flush her out with a garden hose or bring biological agents and organic solvents mixed up in a squeegee bottle - whatever your particular approach, that's part of the game. if i assume i'm trying to get my funk on with her, then why get judgemental about it? although it probably does help you be discriminating about the whole thing. people on opposite sides of this question are just going to give each other headaches if they do actually manage to trip into each other's special purposes.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style