Originally Posted by dksuddeth
kevlar doesn't help when you're lined up face forward against the wall waiting to be shot in the back of the head. kevlar is protective, not defensive. defense requires an ability to protect yourself with force. Protection is nothing more than having something between yourself and the danger.
Guns don't work if you're on your knees facing the other direction. Guns only work when you are on the offensive.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I read lots of stories about violent encounters with police. 8 out of 10 times, the perp usually ends up dead. if 20% is reasonable to you, then i'm worried.
That wasn't my point at all. do you think there's a 20% survival rate (a percentage you pulled out of thin air?) when someone shoots themselves in the head? No? That's my point.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
not shanks, knives....and guns. Just earlier this year there was a big story about how they found an actual .25 caliber handgun in an inmates cell. He got it from a prison guard, not stole it, but it was given to him. and I compared prisons to schools because you recommended fences, gates, and guards. just like a prison.
One gun in the history of American prisons? And it was due to a corrupt guard? Why even mention that? Lighting is more likely to strike you as you win the lottery.
Do you think a guard would have given Cho guns so he could murder people?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
don't be foolish and take a statement so literally. campuses might have police, usually unarmed police, but as I've pointed out numerous times (of which people still don't 'get it') that the educational facility staff is not going to be held liable if you are killed on campus, while at the same time denying you the means to protect yourself. In other words, you're fucked either way. you can't carry for defense and the college doesn't have to provide you with security.
How often are police unarmed on campus? What is the exact percentage? When I was in elementary school, middle school and high-school (not to mention 3 different colleges), all had police, and all the police had firearms.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
no, you're trying to redefine words you don't like. again.
We've had this debate before and I've won. I'm willing to have it again, but it'd be easier for you to just go read a dictionary. Look up defensive then offensive.