And even though there may still have been deaths and injuries, you can bet that the students doing the shooting were NOT carrying their guns legally. They either a) bought them illegally or b) far more likely, got them from parents, siblings, or older friends.
I will concede that an armed campus has the potential to occasionally reduce the impact of a shooting. Earlier in the thread, I explained why the cons outweigh the pros. That still stands. I'd like to point out that the third example you provided does not belong in this thread because that shooting took place in a business and the John Wayne of that example was the owner of said business. You're probably correct about the guns used in the majority of these shootings, but arming campuses is not a logical reaction to this truth.
You're all college students or live in close proximity to college campuses, and you have all expressed conservative sympathies. I'm curious about what your major political influences have been; about what has influenced you to post the things that you have here, and on the "presidential test" thread.
"Conservative" can mean a lot of different things, but I don't see how my comments could be considered conservative. I don't know what my major political influences are. The insanity of an armed campus is what influenced me to post in this thread.