Originally Posted by willravel
From a less legal perspective, this is an obvious case for "WATCH YOUR FUCKING KIDS". He's 10 years old and was completely unsupervised.
Awww, c'mon Will. Are you telling me that
your parents knew exactly what you were up to, at any given moment, 24/7/365? I know mine didn't. And that is precisely when I would be doing crap, that hindsight now tells me, I had absolutely no business doing. And, I suspect, the same could easily be said for 99.9999% of the human population on this planet.
Look...I'm not saying that parents do not have responsibility. But, I also don't think that parents need to be punished for the misdeeds of thier offspring. Otherwise, the next generation will be bemoaning the leashes and collars that thier parents make them wear.