Originally Posted by xepherys
Another thing to look at, historically, is Sony's ability to create a standard. BetaMax? It was SUPERIOR to VHS, but VHS still won out for the common man.
Betamax was superior in video quality, but inferior in record time. There was no way you could stuff 8 hours of video on a single betamax tape, and back then consumers did not understand that longer record times = reduced quality.
MiniDisc? Unless you are a musician or are Japanese, you've likely never owned a player, and even less likely have ever owned a retail MD album.
Interestingly enough, as Beta has survived in the professional sphere (Betacam, then Beta SP, and the digital Beta XP is still being used today), minidisc also is doing pretty well in the professional radio sphere . . .although it's starting to be replaced by flash media.