*busts through the walls, jumps up a soapbox labeled #71*
I forget who said it (Se7en?), but I think it applies a little:
"What sick little puppets we are and what a gross stage we dance on, dancing, laughing, fucking, all the while not realising that we are nothing. We are not what was intended."
The Great Reverend says:
And after the [70th] girl or boy you go through, do you ever think you are getting a new experience? Or are you just putting on the same old record and playing it again... while sticking your dick through the hole... but in the record... not her.
Do you ever feel like you're getting used? Well, you are! All the time it's a game, it's all mechanics, that's all there is. What the hell do you think you are? You're nothing but an animal! You're brain is nothing, your head is spinning from love and bullshit. The guy just wants to get it in you, that's all. The words and phrases he uses are just symbols that you have learned to understand to reinforce the lie. It's all different ways of saying the same thing. You're no different. You pick the lie that you feel the least uncomfortable with and go with it. Don't you see that you lie to yourself every time you think that he loves you?
There's not much to life. You do a lot of bullshitting to make it look like there is some big deal to it, looking for all this meaning in simple biology. The guys got ya beat there and ya know why? Because most of them are stupid, not much different than dogs, not much different than lab rats pushing on buttons to get food. We just want to fuck you, MILLIONS JUST WANT TO FUCK YOU. And the ones that get the most are the ones that know how to tell you what you want to hear the best.
Tell me again how having sex with 70 different people doesn't cheapen it.