Will, just because someone has only had one partner does not mean that they "waited until marriage;" I think you know that. Also, I wasn't suggesting that waiting till marriage was a good idea, but I'm holding I_L to his "good values"... which he has clearly drawn from the Bible. They are not my values, but I see them as relevant to the discussion as long as he's involved.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
...So why bring it up, then?
Since you've put yourself out there as a Christian, it's relevant to pretty much everything you say. Be imitators of God. That's as clear as day, from what I remember.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Still, everyone has preferences. Mine is that I don't want someone who has been around the proverbial block. It's really just that simple.
Well, except that it's not that simple. I can understand preferences, especially based on health reasons (you're right, condoms do not protect against all STD's). However, your reasons are not "simple" preferences. You are actively making judgments about the morality of people based on their number of sexual partners, which is more than just preference.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
If I really, really, REALLY wanted to I could scream "Fornicators!". But I choose not to. Pus it'd make me a hypocrite.
Yeah, your last word is the key one. It clarifies a lot. As does Psycho Dad's last sentence.
Psycho Dad: don't know if your first sentence was addressed to me, but I'm certainly not suggesting that Jesus would give a rat's ass about how many partners anyone has had. Pretty much the opposite. However, having formerly (long ago) called myself a Christian, I am always amazed at the lengths to which people will go to justify themselves using "good values" and "moral judgment," linking that to sexual activity and the Bible in various ways that please their lifestyle. Go figure. I prefer hell.