Originally Posted by abaya
Yeah, well we all know that Jesus didn't date, period.
...So why bring it up, then?
But nowhere in the Bible does it say to hold someone's sexual past against them; quite the opposite. God looks at the heart. I don't see a whole lot of room for interpretation there.
Okay... In case you haven't noticed, I'm not God, so I don't (And can't anyway lol). Still, everyone has preferences. Mine is that I don't want someone who has been around the proverbial block. It's really just that simple.
Funnily enough, the Bible DOES say not to have sex before marriage, so it's interesting that you've decided to take such a lenient stance on that one, hmm...
If I really, really,
REALLY wanted to I could scream "Fornicators!". But I choose not to. Pus it'd make me a hypocrite. Therefore, I typically say nothing regarding those who choose engage in premarital sex. Simple, isn't it? =D