Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I can't believe that we're having a debate about the Bible, and I know it better than you. Honestly, I would have thought that idea silly last week, but here we are, me being right and you talking nonsense. Not only do you not win, you lose because of your own ammunition.
All right. Fine. Maybe passing judgment wasn't the best use of words. I still don't back down from what I said earlier, though (About 70+ parners).
So what you're saying is that if I find a woman that you'd call a "whore" or a "slut" that would fall in love with you, marry you and birth your babies, I get everything? And once a woman's had more than 5 partners she's off the market for you? Wow, talk about limiting...
Darn skippy. You call it limiting, I call it having a sense of values.
Phrases like "chances are" define theories with holes big enough to drive trucks through.
What would you think the chances of her really being interested in a real relationship are? I would say slim to none, but that'd be a gross overestimate.