Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
A.) Forgiveness doesn't mean acceptabce and
Good point and well taken.
B.) There's no passage in the Bible saying I'm not allowed to pass judgment on others (FYI).
You're kidding, right? Shani's already given you two examples. Even an uninterested agnostic like me knows the Lords Prayer well enough to get that. Do I really have to go digging through online bibles to prove you wrong or are you just going to conceed that you're simply being contrarian and didn't really mean it.
Anywho, seventy partners at 23-years old is a lot-- Hell, it's A LOT for any age for either sex in any country. Experience be damned, there are far too many STD's floating around to even make me contemplate being with someone who so recklessly sleeps around. Not only that, but chances are she's not really looking for any kind of serious relationship... >_>
It's only a number.
Chances are that she could be looking for a serious relationship after getting out of an "experimental" phase. I know there are churches in Texas that conduct "revirginizing" ceremonies to forgive (!) those who had sex before marriage. What if she went through one of those?
Where's the Minosa Line here? Is it 10? 15? 25? 40? There is a number here that is the straw. Where is it? If there's not, then it doesn't matter. If she loves you and you love her (because I know you won't have sex outside a committed relationship), why does it matter at all?